

Thursday 23 November 2017

Explain safe practices for:storing, using and disposing hazardous substances

a)    Storing hazardous substances: Hazardous substances must be stored in an inseparable locked cupboard or room. It must be stored in cool and dry place and away from heat and fire. All of the substances must be individually labelled. 

b)    Using hazardous substances: Hazardous substances must be used for the intended purpose. If it needs to be diluted with water then we must follow manufacturer exact dilution ratio. One hazardous substance must not be mixed with other chemical substances. Restrict or reduce public accesses into the area where hazardous substances are used. Use signpost to inform about hazardous substances presence in the area.

c)    Disposing of hazardous substances: Hazardous substances must be disposed according to instruction. It must be disposed in designated place. It must not be mixed with other wastes. There are also colour coded waste bins and bags for us to manage general, clinical and offensive waste. Any hazardous substances must not be drained in the kitchen or bathroom sink.