

Friday, 27 November 2015

How do you agree realistic targets for your work and why it is beneficial and important to do so?

In business, ‘realistic targets’ are achievable real goal within given time or real time frame – Foisal Talukdar. To be agreed on realistic targets for your work you have to ensure following things:
  • Targets are real (If you are an account’s assistant and task is given to merchandising goods that displays unreal target which is unrelated to your job post)
  • Accessible resources
  • Accessible support
  • Real Time Frame
  • Review time (Data accuracy)
  • Other Interference
Time is the main factor when it comes to be agreed upon any targets. Also your skills and previous performance need to take into consideration. If you have accomplished any targets previously then you can easily calculate time frame and all other factors related to the new targets.
It is important that you will only be agreed on realistic targets if you are capable of accomplishing it. If you are not capable of achieving targets and you disclose it before agreed upon with explanation then manager or director may set different targets. But you have to determine how much you are capable to achieve. If you are agreed on targets and failure to achieve it may result loss, loss of credibility and reliability and all other interferences associated with targets. Suppose you are given to entry data for stock transfer of 4 sites which requires 400 invoices to check and enter stock data into the system a day. If you are 40 invoices behind every day and end up in 200 invoices a week (5 days of work), then your realistic targets are 360 invoices entry a day. And if you are agreed on 400 invoices and failure to do so may result delay in delivery of stock, loss of clients or consumers as company is unaware of exact stock availability.
Anyways, you must have to review the work you have done for data accuracy. And most important is always to inform manager or director the progress of your targets.
N.B- I used manual stock entry system in 2003. I believe they are no longer in use. If any company have manual stock entry system can upgrade to an automatic invoicing, total sale, vat and real time stock monitoring owning their own software. Please contact me if you require one.

Friday, 20 November 2015

What key guidelines, procedures and codes of practice are relevant to your work?

Guidelines, procedures and codes of practices are vital part of any businesses. All employee within the organisation or any company should follow and work according to the company’s guidelines, procedures and codes of practices. They are set out of company’s internal policies and national or individual business framework. Those are set to assist you with your job role and how one should carried out their tasks. Key guidelines, procedures and codes of practices are related to my work are briefly explained below:

You will be given company guidelines to assist you with your role and daily tasks. Few of them are:

Using office equipment: Guidance will be provided about how to use phone, fax, printer, scanner, computer, projector, lightings and secure cabinet safely.

Handling mail: Guidance about handling paper mail and electronic mail (E-mail) safely. Strict guideline will be provided what should you consider before opening an E-mail? How to validate address of sender before opening an E-mail or snail mail? What should you do if name and addresses do not validate?
Telephone manner: Guidance will assist you how to deal with telephone calls. After you joined the company, you will no longer speak in your own welcome tone. Your welcome tone will be given and determined by company. Also guidance will assist you how to deal with query over the phone and how to validate the person you are talking to are real.

Also you will be given guidelines about how to store and retrieve information, how to use information technology or specific programs or software for your role.

Every company has their own internal procedures that explains the way company wants you to carry out the specific tasks. You will be given a booklet where you will find all internal company procedures or the way company deal with a situation. This will tell you how to report an accident at work, first aid procedure, emergency evacuation procedures, how to report absence from work, fire-drill procedure, emergency crisis procedures, complaints procedures etc.

Codes of practice
Codes of practice are ethics of a business. It reflects principle conduct of a business and the way a company or organisation do business. Codes of practice is a way to state company’s position or view on important facts like ethics, confidentiality, equality, contracts, conflict of interests, quality assurance, professional conduct, equality and discrimination and moral rights. So, codes of practice should be standard, fair and acceptable by other businesses or clients. As an employee you have to work according to codes of practice so it doesn’t breach by your action. If codes of practice are breached, company may lose contract with other businesses or clients, company may have to pay penalty or huge loss of income.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Identify possible barriers to active participation?

Ans. Possible barriers to active participation are as follows:
  • An individual may have physical inability to take part in any events and activities such as individual may be immobile or may have poor mobility or pain or bed-bound. Those barriers may discourage or prevent an individual from active participation.
  • An individual may have depression or emotional bereavement or other critical mental illness that can discourage or prevent an individual from active participation.
  • An individual need encouragement to active participation such as invitation, reminder, persuasion and discussion about the topics etc. If carer, social worker or responsible person do not encourage an individual to active participation, an individual may feel low self-esteem to participate.
  • Organisational responsibilities are to arrange events and activities for individual service users to participate. Also they have responsibilities to inform their staff and provide training on how to encourage an individual to active participation.
Not everyone like crowds or monkey dancing or circus. Some people may prefer to read books or stay quiet and peaceful in their room or wherever they want. It is may be because event is not interested to them or they are a kind beyond your thoughts. So respect their privacy, quiet and peaceful life.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Is Mutation Possible?

One great quote I can remember today is ‘Created hand will create’. After successful mammal’s cloning, it has been proved that evolution that occurred naturally can be occurred now by us. It all started from the ‘theory of evolution’ great scientist Charles Darwin. Unfortunately, he is not alive today to see the actual result of his theory. He knew among this vast diversity of lives, all species are somehow connected. He knew our families evolved from fish. Then fish slowly transformed into ape over a long period of time then ape transformed into today’s human beings. He used to call it ‘Descend with Modification’. But he never knew why? What was making creature change? What’s happening inside the creature’s body to transform them utterly different from their own species? His entire works was concluded here. He left these mystery to the next generation to solve.

After relentless efforts, modern scientists has given his theory a complete credibility and presented with clone, mutation. ‘Genome’ that helps creature to transform- The only answer was unknown to Charles Darwin. I am not talking about mutation of our own species. I am talking about cross-species mutation like ‘Centaur’ (my first saw replica cross-mutant in Hercules when I was child). In the future, don’t be surprise if you see someone walks along with you on the street human body with swan’s wing on back or human body with elephant’s feet. It’s all just matter of time.

Cross-species mutation technology may become very dangerous for our own species for existence if it falls in wrong hand what I don’t want to explain here. Mutation in own species may generates variations can give us good survival advantage like free from fatal diseases. Hence Darwin’s another word came true ‘Struggle for existence’.

Cross-species mutation has not been fully successful yet. Already experimented on human and frog’s combining their genes. Creature transformed into a lower body of human beings with frog’s head with damage.

Imagine, if further research goes well your pet can have a leg or head like yours and more exciting matter is they can talk. If you are very interested to experiment of such a thing learn more about our body cell and genome, then buy an electronic microscope and buy other stuff like jar, test tube to turn your garage into a lab.

------Md Foisal Miah Talukdar



Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Explain how you could influence the quality of the service provided? a) Following best practice within your role;

Following best practice within your role

The only way you can influence the quality of service following best practices, agreed ways of working (policies of procedures) and maintaining health and safety. The quality of service will be improved if you follow best practices, policies and procedures and work according to health and safety rules. You will apply practices into your service provision only what and the way you have been agreed, taught or trained following health and safety and company’s policies and procedures. You may also bring some practices from other places or discover your own practices using your best judgement during the span of your role. But you must have to inform and justify from Manager or accredited person before you apply it.
Example: Suppose, you have noticed a resident has been manhandled by a carer while trying to assist with mobility.
The best practice is for you to record and report to the manager immediately which can resolve issue quickly and help to improve services by eliminating causes. But if you do not do so and incident reoccurs again another day in front of a visitor then the bad quality of service in your care home may spread in public.
So, it depends all in your action, practices, knowledge, skills and impartial judgement what can influence the quality of service you are providing.
Following best practices or working accordance with, services or quality of life not only may be improved but also your skills and position may be improved.
---------------------- Md Foisal Miah Talukdar


Friday, 19 June 2015

What can be done to minimise the impact of challenging behaviours?

Challenging behaviour occurs due to many physical and psychological issues. And physical and psychological issues are influenced by many factors such as dementia, schizophrenia, disability, autism, pain, grief, discrimination and even social exclusion. Challenging behaviour has a great impact on the person himself, others and in the community. It is essential to eliminate or minimise the impact of challenging behaviour in order to make community or workplace safer. There is a vital role you can play to eliminate or minimise this kind of behaviour or the impact of this kind of behaviour while you are supporting people in their daily needs.
Observation and documentation: Observation is the most important part of this procedure. You have to observe the behaviours and document the kind of behaviour, person is exhibiting. Same kind of behaviour a person may not exhibit all that time. Observation is required to determine the kind of behaviour and documentation is required to keep record of different behaviours, incidence, evaluate behaviours and to determine and attributing strategies.
Determine Trigger: A person’s challenging behaviour may exhibit for many reasons that we often define as trigger. Part of your observation is to determine the trigger of this kind of behaviour. To determine trigger you must have to observe what happened right before the behaviour and what makes a person to exhibit this kind of behaviour. Author Foisal Talukdar’s Psychological Explanation: Let’s suppose a person has a speech difficulties because of dementia. Stopping the person while stammering to tell you something or directing to other topics may lead to a punch, verbal abuse or if unable to do so, decent amount of spit on your face. Trigger is not that he has speech difficulties. Trigger is your action because of the lack of your knowledge and skills.
Consider the impact of behaviour on the person himself and others: A person’s challenging behaviour may not only put significant changes on himself alone but also on others behaviour. A person himself may become more aggressive, may cause harm to himself and others. Others may react the same way or cause a conflict or become secluded. Few of the following impact may occur on person himself or others and on the wider community:
Ø  Verbal Abuse
Ø  Physical Harm
Ø  Financial Harm (Such as breaking furniture, windows, doors, television and any objects that require money to acquire)
Ø  Phobia
Ø  Low self-esteem
Ø  Withdrawn
Strategies to respond challenging behaviour: After you determine the trigger and impact of specific challenging behaviour, you can make strategies to respond it. Strategies will depend on the kind of behaviour, trigger to such behaviour and the level of impact on everyone is involved. Different strategies should be made for different kind of behaviour. Also different strategies for the repeated behaviour if the trigger is different. Strategies may include the followings –
Distraction: Distraction may sometimes help to minimise challenging behaviour as it helps the person to forget current event or divert thoughts to another fact or event and forget the cause of anger. Distraction may not work on every person. It depends on individual’s circumstances, triggers and medical conditions.
Current Event or Activities: As we all know that an idle brain is a devil’s workshop. Engaging every individual to activities or current events helps their brain to occupy with something useful and stop them to exhibiting challenging behaviour. Also talking about current events that may result in disturbing behaviour can help discouraging a person from doing it. It is all depend on individual’s mental capability, medical condition and all other circumstances. Therefore, keen observation and understanding is required. Music is one of the most common effective activities which may help a person to relieve from stress, depression, anger and griefs. Also talking about favourite topics and past may help a person to avoid thinking about aggression.
Addressing Physical Trigger: If the person’s challenging behaviour because of physical pain, then you have to identify the cause of pain. You may need to discuss with doctors and other professional to find out therapy or if there is any then alternative therapy to eliminate or reduce the person’s physical pain.
Remember if trigger is eliminated then challenging behaviour will be reduced or eliminated unless a person is in serious mentally ill condition. After making strategies you have to document strategies in care plan then implement to follow strategies. Regular review is required to ensure strategies are effective for the person. Otherwise different strategies need to be made. If strategies are not effective, readdressing the trigger and impact are needed and different strategies have to be made.