Dear Readers,
“Merry Christmas” to you all. May your Christmas day be
pleasant and peaceful!
Foisal Talukdar
This blog is designed to help and support all Support Workers or Auxiliary Nurses who are currently working or willing to work in supported housing, NHS, or in the community. It is the place where you can share your knowledges, opinions, interests and dilemmas. You can also discuss any query about your career or any dilemmas or problems related to your career life or any question about your NVQ or QCF qualifications.
Diversity means differences. "When a diverse group of people live in a
society or nation is called diversity".- Defined By Foisal Talukdar. Diversity is to accepting and embracing differences of
people despite their different races, genders, religions, physical abilities and
Mr. X is muslim, Miss. Y is a lesbian, Mr. Z is black.
"Equality means Equal quality or equal opportunity of life".- Defined by Foisal Talukdar. Equality
is to ensure every individual has equal value, opportunity and quality to
exercise their own life regardless their race, gender, religion, sexual
orientation and disability.
Equal pay for everyone, equal learning facilities, equal share of
work load.
Accepting and embracing all differences, includes everyone in the
practice and all activities. In a word, all in one.
Providing lavatory facilities for disable person, Interpreter service
for different languages people.
Treating someone or a group of people or providing service to someone
or a group of people less favorably than others is discrimination.
Not employing man or woman, not providing access of wheel chair users
in the premises, failing to provide Halal or Kosher foods.
Social Care Worker
Others (such as visitor, supporters,
volunteers and contractors)