

Friday, 25 May 2018

Analyse ways in which an understanding of relationship theories can enhance health and social care practice

Let me create a very brief descriptive scenario here. A senior (I do not use the word ‘old’ and have explained end of this essay why?) individual at his or her end of life or retired life with health complexity is living in a care home or nursing home. The only people he or she sees are complete strangers. The only thing the individual counts are the date and time. A day means nothing but another staring at the same old diary and a photo album for the individual. Unknown faces and surroundings make the individual feared and silenced even in the safest place.

After a month or two, a visitor (a known face) came to see the individual. A visitor seems to be like an angel for the individual even though from the bitter or broken relationship.

Understanding of basic principle: Understanding the basic principle of relationship can help us to understand how relationship was built up and how it might end.

Understanding the types of relationship and objectives: Every relationship is important. There are some types of relationship are more important than others in an individual’s life. Understanding each type of relationship will provide us in-depth knowledge about each type of relationship and objectives, and how they were built up and importance.

Understanding of inherent relationship and rights: In health and social care, we often have dilemma about the rights of inherent or genetic relationship. However, we must consider the importance of this kind of relationship in an individual’s health and wellbeing.

Understanding about relationship ending or deteriorating process: If we have understanding about relationship ending or deteriorating process, then we can easily identify the effects on the individual.

Understanding the culture: It is very important to understand the culture and lifestyle which influence the way relationships are built, end and effects on an individual.

N.B - The word we should use in our writing must respect others even in the case of using adjective.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Describe how duty of care influences health and social care

·       Duty of care helps to maintain standard of care, in line with principles and codes of practice. And who do not follow the standard may be subject to complaints that could be investigated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

·       It helps us to deliver care according to the person’s best interests.

·       It prevents us from delivering care practice that has negative impact on individual’s safety, health and well-being.

·       By knowing our duty of care, we are obliged to observe, and update or report any changes in order to improve individual’s quality of life.

·       Duty of care restricts to perform any tasks we are not competent to undertake safely.

·       It also helps to keep up to date our knowledge and skills.
·       Duty of care helps to safeguard individual and us (the carer) by recording and reporting.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Compare key principles of relationship theories

Levinger’s Theory
Stimulus Value Role Theory
Key Principle:
1) Introduction or start up
2) Build up
3) Maintenance or Continuation
4) Deterioration
5) End of relationship
Key Principles:
This theory has only three stages.
1) Attraction or evaluation to commence a relationship)
2) Values (can be described as target)
3) Role (work together to build a relationship

In my opinion, the principles of relationship lies on the individual type of relationship in health and social care. We meet people from different walks in our life. We meet people for different reasons on different occasions. Therefore, principles are different from one type of relationship to another type of relationship. Although introduction or start up is the main basic principle for all types of relationship, but end of relationship may not be the principle for some types of relationship. Relationship can be broken down temporarily between participants (depending on factors), but may commence again sooner or later. An inherent (Genetic or DNA whichever you prefer to call) relationship can be deteriorated but never ends. According to law, rights prevail between or among participants even though relationship has ended. We do not terminate relationship declaring in a piece of paper. We just do not continue a relationship due to the factor influence deterioration. 

In health and social care, there are many different forms of relationship we observe. They are –

·         Personal relationship

·         Professional relationship

·         Inherent relationship

·         Social Relationship
Above mentioned relationships, may depend on relationship objectives between participant. An inherent relationship may not require following reciprocity in order to maintain the relationship where as a personal relationship or social relationship may depend only on reciprocity.