

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Produce a handout to be used during a staff induction for an adult social care service of your choosing. The handout must include :

(i). An outline of what is meant by ‘agreed ways of working’.

(ii). An explanation of the importance of having full up-to-date details of the agreed ways of working.

(iii). A description of why it is important that social care workers follow guidance about the limits of their job role.

You must know about our organisation ‘Angel Healthcare’ less or more now. Here it is again what we do –

‘’ We offer a service to people (Service Users) that encompasses their needs, allows them     to remain in the comfort of their own homes, and to retain their independence, maintain their dignity, privacy and right to choose how and when their care is delivered ’’

As our continuing commitment to quality, our organisation is set up of policies and procedures. The policies and procedures are include the national framework which is set by Department of Health, CQC, Health and Safety and our internal policy. We are all agreed to work according to the policy and procedure to meet Department of Health and CQC requirements.

Agreed ways of working: Agreed ways of working is how an employer requires an employee to work for their organisation. An employee must be agreed to work according to the rules and regulations. Agreed ways of working is working according to company’s policies and procedures and guidelines.

‘Agreed ways of working’ will enable you to provide a good quality service working within the legal framework and most importantly aim to keep you and the individuals you support, safe from danger or harm. Care plans are also part of "agreed ways of working" where the management of the individual's daily care needs are agreed and documented. It also will help you to find out how and when care should be delivered.

Joining our team you will be agreed to work according to our policies, procedures, guideline and general codes of practice and conduct. Policies and procedure will be found in our office and can access between the office hours. You can also visit our website and log in with your ID and password to access our policies and procedures anytime.
Please read carefully ‘General codes of practice’ which is supplied with your induction pack. This document contains agreed Codes of Practice for you and describing the standards of professional conduct and practice within which you should work.

As we change our lifestyle on our demand so does rules and regulations in order to keep us in control and save us from danger and harm. And that is why ‘agreed ways of working’ is changed time to time to accomplish the necessity of people you will be working with. As a social care worker you should have most up-to-date ‘agreed ways of working’.

Why it is important to have up-to-date copy? : It is very important that you have a latest written or printed copy of agreed ways of working as it changes from time to time depending on service user’s choices and circumstances, CQC requirements, our own insurance policies and health and safety regulations and national crisis. If you do not obtain a latest copy of ‘agreed ways of working’ you will remain unfamiliar to the recent changes. And unawareness of recent changes may result you to cause danger and harm of you and the individual you will be working with or surroundings.

 ‘Agreed ways of working’ will not only provide you instruction but also aware you about your role and responsibilities in this play. It is essential to aware of your role and responsibilities. Because you will have to work within your role and limits.

Why it is vital? : Recognising your role and limits, you will be able to prevent yourself and individual from harm and danger. Also you would be able to learn your professional boundaries that means what you are allowed or not allowed to do. In other words role and limits can be described as ‘allowed or not allowed’. You should not do anything what is not in our agreed way or instructed or within your role. If you do not follow guidance of the limits of your job role and cause harm to any service user’s, public or yourself, you may find yourself subject to disciplinary procedures which can lead to dismissal or even prosecution(Depending on the seriousness of crime)
If you are unsure about anything please call us 24/7. Remember, If you do not follow our agreed ways of working and cause harm to yourself or others then you may find yourself subject to disciplinary procedures which can lead to dismissal or even prosecution if you break the law.

How do you take into account the physical changes associated with ageing when delivering services?

A great deal of physical changes occur during the process of ageing such as mobility, pain, communication, lack of energy or strength and poor hygiene. Those physical changes sometimes affect a person psychologically as well. The only reason to understand and take into account an individual’s physical changes during ageing process is to understand their capabilities and barriers in order to deliver services best. The following changes may occur during the process of ageing:
Mobility: One of the great changes occur during ageing process in an individual’s life is mobility. During the ageing process, a person may experience poor mobility because of other medical or health issues or natural decaying process. Using mobility aid or other equipment may help a person to mobile. In some cases, a person may become completely immobile when special equipment such as hoist, lifting device, wheel chair may require to help a person mobile. Some individual’s mobility may fluctuates because of the nature of treatment. In those cases, supervision is required when they are mobile. Your responsibilities are to observe, assist and record and report any changes.
Communication: Communication is another factor that changes a great deal when a person is getting old. It is very natural process of ageing that some people may experience very bad hearings and some people may experience speech difficulties. Some people may take more time to understand your speech and answer and some person’s vocal sound may become very low or nebulous. In order to establish communication with service users, you have to speak clearly, slowly and in some cases you should repeat and clarify in details if message is not understood. Allow more time to response. You may need to consider making environment (such as noise free, tv, radio’s volume low or turn off) before communicating. You may need to local GP if a person has hearing problem. Also writings, drawings, picture, signs may use to establish communication.
Personal Safety: Personal safety one of the main issue which you have to deeply consider as they may become frail due to those physical changes. Due to their poor mobility they are in great danger of falling. You may need to keep them under supervision and visual check all that time. Also because of the communication problem they may deprived of many things which may cause them psychological and emotional harm. So, you have to ensure that every individual understands the issue and any outcome and consequences before taking any decision. You may need to involve in decision making process for service users best of interests.
Assessment: Any physical changes and their capabilities should be recorded and reported to the appropriate person. You may need to take part in assessment process what is carried out by GP, district nurse or occupational therapists. Suppose you notices a service user has difficulties in walking without assistance. Once you record and report it, occupational therapist may find assistive aid for the person to walk alone.
Care plan must have to be updated after any changes occur in individual service user’s circumstances such as any assistance required or not for mobility or communication, any equipment or assistive aid required or not. Also you have to inform other colleagues and professionals that particular changes took place on individual’s circumstances.